
Welcome to NED.net User Group

Thursday, July 29, 2004

Our new country leader

Today we had a INETA Pakistan all user group leaerds meeting at Avary Towers. Mr. Arsalan Minhas has hosted the meeting and there were around 10 attendies. Mr. Saqib Ilyas is selected as our new country leader for INETA's branch in Pakistan. Its quite exciting for us "Nedians" to have a country leader from our own university. I wish him best of luck for his great work as a part of NED.NET user group faculty representative and INETA Pakistan country leader.

|| Zeeshan Muhammad, 11:15 PM || link || (0) comments |

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Monday, July 26, 2004

Seminar on ADO.NET, our next user group meeting.

I would like to announce that we will be having our 4th event on ADO.NET sometime next month. I will let you know about the date and time for this event as soon as I confirm it from the faculty. I would appreciate if you spread the word among all your fellow students of your deparment and persuade them to join this mailing list for future updates. I will be distributing free 'codezone' quarterly magazines to the subscribed members of this mailing list as soon as I get them. The members will also get some more benefits as being the member of NED.NET mailing list within a few months.


|| Zeeshan Muhammad, 11:46 PM || link || (0) comments |

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Sunday, July 25, 2004

Microsoft Pakistan Developers Conference 2004

You can download all the presentations that were delivered on Microsoft PDC 2004 by the following link:


|| Zeeshan Muhammad, 7:38 PM || link || (0) comments |

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Saturday, July 24, 2004

Seminar on Introduction to .NET Framework

SSUET.NET User Group will held a seminar on Introduction to .NET Framework at Sir Syed University Auditorium on 7 August, 2004. The event will start at around 3:30pm.  For free subscription please send an email to muhammadzeeshan@ieee.org before 6 August, 2004.
See the link below for full details.

|| Zeeshan Muhammad, 9:08 PM || link || (0) comments |

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Thursday, July 22, 2004

Suggestions for Lectures

I'd like to suggest following topics for seminars:

1. ASP.NET using C#
the seminar should be aimed at proving that C# works for web technologies and should give a very simple and straight-forward method for designing and implementing something useful on the web. The details should also tell how the students can get started with free ASP.NET hosting... exactly what they need to do to get their dynamic websites up! NED students are brilliant and the idea is that you just expose them to the wonders and they'll take it to next level themselves. The target should be that 80% of the attendees should try it out and get their website up.

2. Windows Application designing using C#
In our OOP course, we've been taught about console development only. We need a basic lecture on Windows Form desinging and tools that available. Most students would not know how easy it is to make good and working Windows applications. Sure they've done some VB... but if they can see that they can do everything in C# that they could do in VB, they'll have more interest towards learning the language (don't forget .NET have had great publicity, so people know its BIG!). I think the seminar should demonstrate the design of a simple real-life application and demonstrate ListView/TreeView/Toolbars/CommonDialog and other basic things.

3. ADO.NET using C#
This should begin with introductory SQL as most of the students from CIS SE/FE are unaware of SQL. The lecture should have two demos, one which demonstrate the backend connections for Windows Applications and one for the web. Care must be taken to make it as simple as possible.

We have ASP programming in our curriculum this year. I think relevant people should be persuaded to upgrade ASP course into ASP.NET using C#. There is no point in learning a deprecated technology.

I'm available for any help you might need. I can help prepare lecture slides and maybe do one or two small lectures too, if possible.

|| Whiz Kid, 8:34 PM || link || (0) comments |

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Friday, July 16, 2004

International .NET Association

The International .NET Association (INETA) provides structured, peer-based organizational, educational, and promotional support to the growing worldwide community of Microsoft® .NET user groups. Our mission is to offer assistance and resources to community groups that promote and educate their membership in Microsoft's .NET technologies. INETA welcomes all facets of the .NET user community, from developers and architects to project managers and IT professionals. Members can be user groups or special interest groups that:

1. Focus on a single aspect of .NET, such as C#
2. Target the entire .NET platform
3. Concentrate on other development technologies but are also interested in .NET

INETA is the next evolution in user group communities – a non-profit, independent organization, chartered with supporting all user groups interested in the Microsoft .NET platform. INETA is run by a board of user group leaders, elected by their peers, and supported by Microsoft Corporation and other sponsors.

|| Zeeshan Muhammad, 11:39 PM || link

Our Seminar on Java VS .NET

We had our 2nd successful event on Java VS .NET on 28th of April 2004 at our university auditorium. Around 250 users attended this lecture by Mr. Adnan Farooq Hashmi. I am really thankful to our Faculty of CIS department who are very much helpful in arranging the event for us and equally thankful to the students who attended this seminar.
You can visit http://www.ineta.org/mea/events.htm for the event snaps.

|| Zeeshan Muhammad, 10:01 PM || link


NED.NET is a registered INETA User Group. NED.NET was founded by Zeeshan Muhammad and the faculty of NED CIS Department in June 2003. The main idea behind this group is to provide significant .NET knowledge to the students and to build a strong community. 

|| Zeeshan Muhammad, 6:50 AM || link